Sunday, 2 December 2012

Little comets

**NOTE TO READER: You've found yourself wondering into the abyss of my 14 year old mind, I'm flattered you've got here but any post from 2012 or prior is bound to be cringey, nevertheless, do enjoy my pubescent faffling and my evident short attention span to the point where I'm literally going off topic every 3 seconds. Good Luck**

Lets set the scene.  Its spring/summer 2012 (Sprummer?) and I'm sat in the living room eating my cheerios mixed with coco-pops -couldn't choose- when suddenly this advert for Radox shower gel comes on.

Now if you're thinking "Erm...okay? Were are you going with this?" Patience young grasshopper (although ironically you're probably older than me) and let me finish. So the advert starts playing and I'm not really aware of  the television because i'm too interested in the spectacular fusion of crackling chocolaty sensations with little O-shaped whole grain goodness in my cereal bowl but my attention is instantly diverted when this amazing song (linked in the video above) is played in the advert.

   No song has ever taken such a reaction out of me. I mean, usually when I hear a good song I be like "Yeah, bro this tune is keewl, I'll shazam it later or something..." but, no. Not this time. As if I had no control over my body I get up and start dancing all over my living room rug. I then rewind the advert over and over and over and-well you get the point- and I'm thinking "Thank you, Sky box for having live pause/rewind...I love you baby." Then the Sky box replies to me "Haha lol. no f u" and says "Live pause unavailable due to lack of space on disk" or something and I cant  rewind or fast forward or anything then loose the advert. The song was gone forever. I had lost it. Well until the next Radox advert would come on but I wasn't going to wait that long to be re-united with that special song. We had a connection. So I was stood there staring at the telly like "FUUUUUU-GOOGLE!" and run to my iPad to Google the song.

   After ten whole minutes of searching (Which is a billion years of google searching time) I found the song. It was these geniuses, Little Comets.

 These blokes are a  cute indie trio from Jarrow and Newcastle upon-Tyne -No, I've never heard of it either but asuming its somewere up north England- and they are just so likable. With their unique guitar riffs and their typical indie calls, yelps and hollers, you'd be a fool not to check out their new album "Life is Elsewhere" or the album my Radox advert song came -The song turned out to be called "Dancing Song"- From the album "In Search Of Elusive Little Comets."

  They may call themselves little but they've got big things in store ahead of them...


  1. congratulations. You are now one of us, please have a cookie.
    Little Comets Fan (for 4 years roughly)

  2. @3V1L5PIKE Why thank you, i just got the cookie in the post nomnomnomnom :3

  3. It's been 10 years, I think you may need another cookie. Have three 🍪🍪🍪
