Sunday, 2 December 2012

Who Even Reads Blogs?

**NOTE TO READER: You've found yourself wondering into the abyss of my 14 year old mind, I'm flattered you've got here but any post from 2012 or prior is bound to be cringey, nevertheless, do enjoy my pubescent faffling and my evident short attention span to the point where I'm literally going off topic every 3 seconds. Good Luck**

 I was having of those "I've got absolutely nothing to do days" today. You know when you're dying
of bordem so badly you find you are doing the utter most randomest things to occupy yourself, like trying to calculate how many tiles are on the wall or saying a word so many times over and over until it looses its meaning and sounds weird like the word "utter." Just me? Well anyway, I was having one of these moments when I suddenly remembered this fail of a blog I made when I was turning 13...

To be honest, I didn't really expect myself to commit to this in the first place. It's like how most ten year-old girls are like "Oh yer!ohmygerd i'm sooo gunna write a diary...hehe ok here we go...'Dear Diary...' actually forget this i'm bored," and then never picks up that diary again. I mean, its the same for half the people that start blogs. Ok, maybe I'm being quite mean about this blog thingy or whatever exactly this is but in all honesty it's quite cringe-worthy looking back on how exited I became when I was making this thing. There was somewhat a part of me that expected this to miraculously  become a hit over night. I don't people even read blogs anymore?

   Who needs them? We have twitter and tumblr...leave the blogging to yummy mummys posting "creative" recipes and...well... failed journalists. Sad stereotype, I know, but in all honesty I don't know a single person my age who actually reads blogs. Apart from me. Which is pretty sad. Anyhoo, I read over my two previous posts- frequently facepalming- when suddenly I realized something; doing this made me happy. I didn't care that nearly nobody was reading this, I was just proud of  my work. The suspense that someone, somewhere would view my page exited me despite the fact that my blog only got,like, two views a week.

 Finally, about ten minutes before writing this post, I realized  I'm going to do this for me. Cheesy, I know. Of course blogs are pointless if there's no reader but i'll never enjoy it if I'm just trying to impress people. So yeah, just thought you should know that. Yes you! My dear person who might be reading this. I'm thinking of YOU. Right now. Wondering who you may be, were you may be. I suppose I'm actually kinda glad loads of people don't read this, it saves the pressure and embarrassment. I'm just glad I'm going to continue this for me...

Me Me Me Me Me. Ok. Gottagonow.

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