Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Remember, Remember the 5th of November

Remember, remember the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot;
I see no reason,
Why the gunpowder treason,
Should ever be forgot.

Slightly disturbing annual re-creation of Guy Fawkes' execution. Family Fun!

And with that unnecessarily dramatic opening of a poem repetitively recited to me today, I wish all my fellow Brits a Merry Guy Fawkes night. To all who are unaware of this age old British event, Guy Fawkes Night (More commonly known as Bonfire Night) is an annual commemoration celebrating the failed attempted assassination of our past King James I.

Most countries when in the event of an attempted assassination of their ruler tend to -you know- arrest and trial the convicted . But not us Brits. No we don't just stop there, we then go and celebrate the failed attempt year after year - in fact, 409 times today to be precise- and of course it wouldn't be a proper celebration of Mr Guy Fawkes trying to blow up our king without burning a scarecrow-like model in Fawkes' image in a massive bonfire and lots and lots of fireworks.

So as I sit here behind my desk, waiting for my quiet Suburban London neighborhood to turn into a smokey battlefield bombarded with hipsters wielding sparklers -trying to capture slow shutter speed photos of them spelling things out in the dark to post on Instagram- and the never ending thundering of the night long fireworks display, I thought why not share a band with a very relevant title, and a just as rambunctious persona.

**Drinking Game: Take a shot (of caprisun if you're underage) every time I say Pop-Punk**

 Fireworks are a Pop Punk / Alt Rock band from Michigan, U.S.A. The band have been around since 2005 and have that strong 2000's pop punk feel that I've so dearly missed since last year's Vans Warped Tour. The sextet (simply a group of six musicians but I solemnly get to use the term that gave me many frowned upon giggles in year 8 -7th grade- music class) stay true to their name in that they're energetic and boisterous.

The song above is off their new album "Oh, Common Life," released earlier this year, and bares a strong Fall Out Boy resemblance which can be unnerving for some but alright if you just want to listen to some good ol' Pop Punk.

Actually that more or less sums up the band as a whole. An overall good pop punk band, but obviously following all the generic Pop Punk codes and conventions meaning you wont be expecting anything ground breaking from them soon.

There's nothing particularly wrong with being just a pop punk band though as, I quite like the genre. And even if you're not the pop-punk and pizza skate life 4eva type, Fireworks are pretty likeable so do have a listen to some tracks off their old album too (attached above and below) and check them out for yourself.

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